About ISF

The ISF is an assembly of national associations and organisations with the goal of harmoniously developping, organising and assuring Shuttlecock's future in worldwide. The ISF is a non-profitable international non-governmental organization.
Our mission
Official ISF Members

In compliance with Article 5 of Chapter 2 of the ISF Statues, there shall be only one Member of the ISF from each country or region.
Also stated in Article 3 of the same Chapter any national or regional association which has been recognized as the governing body of the sport of shuttlecock within its country or region by the overall governing body of the sport, if any, of that country or region and whose statutes are not inconsistent with those of the ISF may apply to the ISF to be a Full Member.
Those sport associations without the above mentioned recognition may apply to the ISF to be an associate member.
ISF Executive Committee
The ISF Executive Committee is composed of 1 president, 4 vice presidents, 1 secretary general & treasurer, executive committee members and sub-commitees.

Ms. Xiao Min (Assistant Minister in Charge of the State General Administration of Sport of China, President of the Chinese Shuttlecock Association)
Vice Presidents
Mr. Feher Janos (President of the Hungarian Shuttlecock Association)
Mr. Yue Kwok Yin (President of the Hong Kong Shuttlecock Association)
Mr. Mac Xuan Tung (President of the Vietnam Shuttlecock Federation)
Mr. Peter von Ruden (President of the European Shuttlecock Federation) - Honorary Vice President
Secretariat & Treasurer
Mr. Li Haishan
Executive committee
Mr. Kwok Siu Tim (Chairman of the Hong Kong Shuttlecock Association)
Ms. Lee Ming-Hsiu (President of the Chinese Taipei Shuttlecock Association)
Mr. Jordan S. Stavridis (President of the Greek Shuttlecock Association)
Mr. Vongdara Boviengkham (President of Laos Shuttlecock Association)
ISF’s Sub-Commitees
1. Technical Commitee:
Mr Huang Xinming (China) and Mr. Pekka Marjamaki (Finland)
2. Competition Commitee:
Mr. Guo Xiancheng (China) and Mr. Veres Pal (Hungary)
3. Marketing and Publicity Commitee:
Mr. Jordan S. Stavridis (Greece)
Value & development
Fair Play
Fair Game is not the preserve of just one association but belongs to Shuttlecock sport as a whole. People play to participate and enjoy the game – two considerations that are often more important than winning. Bending the rules and foul play are unsporting and ruin the enjoyment for all involved. The generic concept of fair game is a fundamental part of the game of Shuttlecock. Coaches, players, referees and supporters all have a role in upholding the principles of Fair Game. Fair Game has a fundamental role in sport and there is a need to apply it to all sporting activities.
ISF's Fair Game Campaign is represented by the slogan "My Game is Fair Game".


The Ecoflag is a symbol of the commitment of sports enthusiasts worldwide to the environment. Sports enthusiasts know the importance of the natural ecosystem and its basic products, such as clean air, clean water, and nutritious food, to their health and performance. Many sport organizations, events and athletes are already working in different countries around the world to increase environmental awareness and action in order to protect themselves and their future generations.
The Ecoflag has become the symbol of these actions and serves to unite the individual efforts of these different groups into a global initiative.
Grow together
Shuttlecock has its spectacular history and character, a feast for the eyes, improve flexibility, keep good health ... To grow this sport we need to share the passion and attract more people. We need players. We need audience. We need to work together to spreadout this beautiful sport. We welcome new countries to play shuttlecock. We develop at local level within existing shuttlecock countries and adapt to different cultures. Many ideas are coming :
Competition style : Rally between 2 teams over the net makes a game very interesting. Maybe the feather ball should be bigger and fly slower for newcomers and make it more visible to video and audience. Create "one touch" game. Share beween countries on training and development methods. Use digital collaboration tools for international meetings and work.
Free and artistic styles : present in the international events, open to public to play and discover shuttlecock ("play anywhere at any age")
Share with us your ideas !

Any proposition / question, please contact ISF