Dear IFS Member Federations, Associations and shuttlecock friends,
2021 was again a challenging year with the sanitaire crisis. Nevertheless, we are glad that in each country was able to successfully carry out local events such as
- National competitions (Germany, Hungary, France, Vietnam, Hongkong, Mongolia etc)
- Preparation of Vietnam Shuttlecock Federation Congress for the period 2021-2026
- Shuttlecock in the 14th Games of People’s Republic of China
- Activity development of HKSTC (Hong Kong Shuttlecock Training Center)
- Shuttlecock show in the international Unesco event “Fit for life” in France
- Shuttlecock at the national sports conference in Hungary
Despite the challenges still ahead, we are looking forward to the coming year with much hope, solidarity and in joy of new initiatives and projects, including the highlights:
- Continuing of shuttlecock development at local level
- ISF organization review
- The 11th world cup project
- Exchange channel on the ISF website
2022 starting, we wish you very Happy Holiday season and a peaceful and prosperous New Year.

Best regards,
Mrs Xiao Min
President International Shuttlecock Federation